Laboratory of Long-Term Properties of Materials


  1. Aniskevich, K., Starkova, O., Jansons, J., Aniskevich, A. Long-Term Deformability and Aging of Polymer Matrix Composites, New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc., ISBN: 978-1-61470-291-7, 2012, 250 p.
  2. Aniskevich, K., Starkova, O., Jansons, J., and Aniskevich, A., ‘Deformational properties of silica filled styrene-butadiene rubber under uniaxial tension.’ Nova Science Publishers, Inc., N.Y., Open Access item. ISBN: 978-1-61324-414-2, 2011, 52 p.
  3. A. Aniskevich, J. Jansons, and O. Plushchik*. Moisture sorption and its effect on mechanical properties of polymer materials, in “Water transport in synthetic polymers”, ed. by A. L. Iordanskii, O. V. Startsev, and G. E. Zaikov.  Nova Science Publishers. ISBN:1-59033-886-3 (2003).

Raksti rakstu krĀjumos
Papers in books

  1. Aniskevich, K., Starkova, O., Jansons, J., and Aniskevich, A., ‘Deformational properties of silica filled styrene-butadiene rubber under uniaxial tension.’ Rubber: Types, Properties and Uses, Ed. by G.A. Popa, New York: Novapublishers, Inc., ISBN: 978-1-61761-464-4, 2011, pp. 455-476.
  2. Aniskevich, A., Jansons, J., and Plushchik, O., ‘Moisture sorption and its effect on mechanical properties of polymer materials’, Water Transport in Synthetic Polymers, Ed. by A. L. Iordanskii, O. V. Startsev, and G. E. Zaikov  - Nova Science Publishers, 2003, ISBN:1-59033-886-3.
  3. Aniskevich, A. N., Plushchik, O., and Moskavs, M., ‘Aging of polyester resin under moisture action’, Aging of Polymers, Polymer Blends and Polymer Composites, ed. by G.E. Zaikov, A.L. Bouchachenko and V.B. Ivanov, Vol. 2, NovaPublishers, ISBN:1-59033-256-3, 2002.
  4. Aniskevich, A., Plushchik, O., and Moskavs, M., ‘Aging of polyester resin under moisture action’, Polymer Aging at the Cutting Edge, Ed. by G.E. Zaikov, A.L. Bouchachenko and V.B. Ivanov, ISBN:1-59033-444-2, Nova Science Publishers, 2002, pp. 1-10.

Citi raksti
Other publications

  1. Анискевич, А. Н., Калнрозе З. В., ‘Методика измерения двухосных деформаций при растяжении тонких пленок’, Материалы, технологии инструменты, Т. 13, № 1, 2008, с. 105-110.


February 26, 2013