1. Structure and Properties of Constituents
- Properties of polymeric, metallic, and ceramic matrices
- Properties of fillers, nanoparticles, and organic and natural reinforcing fibers
- Role of interface, measurements, and optimization
2. Time- and Environment-Dependent Properties and Durability
- Long-term properties, creep, and aging
- Environmental effects
- Prediction of long-term deformations
3. Strength, Fracture, Damage, and Fatigue
- Interaction and sequence of inter- and intralaminar damage and failure in composites
- Measurements of fracture toughness
- Delamination of laminates
- Fatigue under complex loading histories
- Prediction of fatigue lifetime and accelerated tests
4. Structures
- Methods of optimization of composite structures
- Sandwich structural and joint design
- Intelligent systems
- Active and passive control systems
- Damage monitoring in structures and seismic design
5. Composite Materials Application in Aeronautics and Space
- Properties of composite materials
- Finite element modeling (FEM)
- Production and maintenance aspects
6. Composites in Civil Engineering and Infrastructure
- Fiber-reinforced plastics for concrete structures
- Polymer composites for renovation of structures
- Polymers in concrete
7. Mechanical Aspects of Technology
- Resin infusion processes
- Flow of nonlinear polymer melts in porous media
- Recycling of advanced composites
8. Biomechanics
- Mechanics of biological tissues
- Mechanics of prosthesis of biological organs
The most attractive and representative topics will be presented as a MICROSYMPOSIUM